What a night, indeed. Salvation's 1st birthday party went with a bang, thanks to live music from A Month Of Sundays (thank you, Nick), free-flowing cider (courtesy of my husband) and Elderflower Prosseco (thanks, Col!). Not to forget the fine feast of lamb and date patties (thanks Pops), delicious quiches (thanks Jen!) and abundant delights from the Salvation Kitchen. Winner of the night? Hannah's Coconut Macaroons (the last of which almost caused a punch-up).

We had all planned to say a few words, but a combination of the cider and having-too-much-fun resulted in a rather rushed speech from me, so I'd like to post the 'official' thank-you list here, to make it proper and all that!

Thank You's!
"A million thank you's from the bottom of Salvation's enormous heart to Our Army - an indisposable group of people who have helped Salvation become the cafe it is today....
Paul J: For his intrinsic understanding of who we are and what Salvation is about, giving us our visual identity.

Rachel Graff: For wonderfully quirky cakes and bloody hard work.
Mum: For more delicious cakes and spotless washing up!
Dad Creese: For fetching and carrying, heading up the veggie garden and planting our floral fancies.

Popsy: For teaching me to cook in the first place! Also for helping in the Salvation kitchen at Baynhams and lots of wise, wise words.
David and Nick: For their dedication to Salvation lunches, fetching and carrying and for keeping a keen eye on the car park at all times...
Sue: for stepping in when needed and loving our chocolate cake!
Reass: For his gorgeous fence outside and all his Father Skpimas finds!
Paula: For looking after my children so I can be at the cafe!

Holly and Laura: For all their hard work and being so lovely to work with.
Hannah: For gorgeous cakes and being a great friend.
A big thank you to all of our suppliers who help us offer the best produce and products available.
We'd also like to thank all of our customers who have supported us over the last 12 months - you are a pleasure to serve and we hope that you have enjoyed Salvation as much as we enjoy having you here! Special mentions go to:

Anna: for staggering loyalty week-on-week, only missing us if she's out of the county!
Susie&Viv: For constant support and enjoyable conversation (read: gossip)!
Nick and T: our favourite not-for-profit customers!
The Bubbles girls: For joining us for lunch, and when you can't get here, ordering takeaways.
Thank you to all of our takeaway customers; we value you just as much as the ones who make it in".
So that was the 'official' speech; but of course, there's one glaring omission. I want to thank my husband, because without him, Salvation would have remained but a dream. He continually supports me, through thick and thin, good times and bad, and his faith in me seems to be unwaivering (even when I begin to doubt myself). His exceptional eye for detail is what makes Salvation such a beautiful place - so many people assume that the design of the cafe is down to me: actually, it's all Pete. What a man what a man what a man, he's a mighty mighty good man. A mighty mighty good man.

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